I used it heavily in the production of the Lofi Funky Space Quest theatre show and I also did a scratch jam with a virtual me (via a green screen) in my Studio to Stage AV mix but Prince’s copyright people have sadly ensured its been wiped from the web (It had an edit of Batdance in it). Since getting into video DJing I’ve had a few dips back into the world of green screens, most notably the Twitch jam I did with DJ Moneyshot where we aimed for Addams Family style hands smashing out a freestyle jam using cues and loops from Shake Your Rump (Btw, Twitch was rad harware from Novation that pioneered the pad design you se on every mixer these days).

The use of blue screens in the film industry is now common place and I’ve been experimenting with green screens since I was a teenage college student. Using OBS and some chromakey trickery I’ve now developed a cool way of presenting the show via a live stream for you to enjoy at home delving further into an idea I had a few years ago.Ĭhromakey has been around since the end of the 19th century and was first used commercially in 1903’s The Great Train Robbery so its not exactly a new thing. Sadly, I didn’t get to perform it as many times as i’d have liked due to its technical demands and relatively long build. The live show was a tough fit for venues and festivals though as I used 3 decks, 2 mixers, 2 laptops and 2 screens and presented 2 streams of AV that interacted and cross referenced each other. My Double Vision project was one of my most complex AV projects to complete and I’m still immensely proud of it.