If you think you’ve got a hive nearby, hire an expert to handle this problem. Unfortunately, since their hives are rarely visible, you may find them swarming you out of nowhere. These wasps will aggressively attack anyone who comes near their nest.If you spot a wasp flying against your window late at night when the lights are on, there’s a good chance it’s a European hornet.The best way to spot one of these is by their behavior they’re one of the only wasps that are active at night and attracted to light. They’re social, but they typically hide their nests by building them inside of hollow trees, attics, or abandoned structures so you may not know where they’re coming from. These bugs grow up to 1 1⁄ 2 in (3.8 cm), making it the largest native hornet in the United States. When many people use the word “wasp,” they’re picturing a yellowjacket.Įuropean hornets look like big yellowjackets but with a reddish head.As a result, they tend to harass people when they’re eating outside, and they can swarm a trashcan if you leave the lid off outside. Yellowjackets are foragers, and they’ll eat just about anything.X Trustworthy Source University of Missouri Extension University of Missouri program dedicated to research-based, practical public education Go to source Generally, they tend to be the most aggressive in the late summer and fall. Yellowjackets tend to be extremely assertive when it comes to defending their hive, so don’t walk underneath a hive to take a closer look if you’re trying to identify them.Yellowjackets are the most common North American wasp, but they’re pretty aggressive, so stay away! X Research source They create small nests with honeycombs all over them, often in trees, shrubs, attics, and lawns. These bugs are usually 3⁄ 8– 5⁄ 8 inch (0.95–1.59 cm) in length, and they have distinctive yellow and black patterns.

These are social wasps, so you may seem many of them in one location. These are the most common (and most aggressive) wasps out there. This article has been viewed 526,900 times. In this case, 92% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. He has a passion for honeybee preservation and has created his own Beecasso sanctuary where rescued bee hives are relocated and preserved. Working with beekeepers, agriculturalists, and bee hobbyists, Steve sets up bee hives throughout the Los Angeles area and promotes the survival of bees. Steve has over 20 years of humane bee capturing and bee removal experience for both commercial and residential locations. Steve Downs is a Live Honey Bee Removal Specialist, Honey bee Preservationist, and the Owner of Beecasso Live Bee Removal Inc, a licensed bee removal and relocation business based in the Los Angeles, California metro area. This article was co-authored by Steve Downs and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure.